Monday, June 22, 2009

One Sweet Night Out with Friends!!

Do you ever feel like you are surrounded by the most amazing friends and family ever! Like even more than any other time in your whole life?! I DO!
I have grown up in this city and have always had friends around me! But NEVER in my life have I been so surrounded by and loved by so many people!
My cup is overflowing!
God has blessed me with such an enormous amount of Precious God Fearing people in my life that I can't explain how amazing it feels!
I feel like I truly am part of this perfectly orchestrated "plan" and at the moment I feel I am directly in it - like the center of the plan?! I know it's not clear and maybe even sounds a little cheesy but there is no doubt in my mind that this entire "EVENT" was so divinely orchestrated for "such a time as this." These people were perfectly placed in my life at this time intentionally! At this time so that I would be surrounded by and loved by so many and prayed for by so many.....
Praise God He is in control -and I just love it when it's crystal clear!

So, some of these amazing friends of mine... organized a sweet going away dinner for me and we all met at Benihana's! (God's own little heaven on earth :) YUMMMMM!!! There were 21 girls together, eating, laughing, loving and then of course I cried -but it was so precious and sweet and amazing and I felt so loved by them all! Together they bought me dinner and a sweet care bear to take with me to surgery - since they couldn't come to Minnesota, AND the most beautiful necklace! Sterling silver with a cross and a circle. A local artist made it with her own hands and it was so perfect! I love them all so much and thank them for a wonderful night out with friends.... YOU ALL MADE ME FEEL SO LOVED!!
Thank you from the bottom of me "new heart!" :)