My sweet friend, Becky, challenged me last night to UPDATE! So of course it got my wheels turning....what is up to date with us?? What shall I blog about? :)
Well, I do have to tell you, while we really don't have many new pics - the kids are doing new things!!! (
(but first I had to start with one of my ALL TIME FAVORTIE pictures of the kids - they are all so much bigger now...but this will forever be a fav!)
Kaitlyn got surprisingly inducted to the National Honor Society for MATH! REALLY! MATH!! I know.... I think that's pretty impressive.... MATH is not generally a subject I would think too many people are great at!! SOOOOOOOO!!! YEA!!!! KAIT!!!
She is already in the National Honor Society for Spanish and Art!!
And... She has officially visited 3 colleges so far and one of them is on her top list!! She visited Swanee, Vanderbilt and Auburn....which on do you thing she chose?? Well, if you know Kaitlyn you know she wants a big college - having gone to a small high school and she loves to go to a football game and have A TEAM to support soooo AUBURN so far is her pick! She still wants to visit UNC Chapel Hill and Clemson and UT.... I'll keep ya posted!!
Harrison is playing baseball - well practicing to play baseball and he is loving it!! He has commited to go to a day camp this summer - which is HUGE and he's doing great! School is tough but play is fun and he's such a happy little guy... I think we'll make it! Only a little longer until we can play all day long!!!
Praise God!!
Lilly Ann....well, she is running the roost! She's hilarious! She's got such an opinion about everything....but I still think she'll run something somewhere someday!
she has told me she wants to go to soccer camp this summer - I am guessing at Life Time Fitness b/c they have a Munchkin Madness Soccer Camp. Of course she'd go today if it were an option!
She is still in gymnastics...she's learning her kartwheel and toe touch and if you sit still long enough she'll show you both! :)
Jason and I are just plugging along waiting on May because we will be going to the beach for two weeks!! Actually - I'll be there with the little kids for 4 or 5 days until Kait is out of school and then the teenagers (Kaitlyn is bringing bf Hope) and Jason will come the last week and 1/2!! WE can not wait!
So...last night we had a "GIRLS NIGHT OUT" at my house!! And we decided to create these very cute Family Rules Canvases... well most of us did! I actually made something start! I had a difficult time chosing only a few rules because I found so many of them to be ones I "LOVED" which is very Christi of me!!
So, I made a very cute canvas with a cross and a bible verse on that immediately came to mind (with a friend in mind) so it will most likely be a present to my sweet friend :)
As I sat this morning "pondering" over the nights events I began to think of my own family rules but I was thinking about them while I sat in my chair for my quiet time with of course the Holy Spirit interveened and I have to share because they are so PERFECT! And they are for everyone.... and God put them there for us to follow!! LOVE IT!!
Colossians 3:9-20 (off and on and not in that exact order....does that make since??)
1. Do EVERYTHING to Glorify God!
2. Say your Prayers.... Thank God for your family!
3. Be Patient! Be Kind! Be Gentle!
4. Obey your Mommy and Daddy!
5. Love One Another!
6. Share Everything! Except Bad Ideas!
7. Always Forgive...Like God forgives you!
8. Always tell the truth!
9. Use kind words...ignore ugly words!
10.Mommy support Daddy... Daddy hug Mommy!
11. SING!
Okay, I admit these are definately My Words interpretting these scriptures in kids terms but.... I love that they are God Given life/ family Rules!!
So.... go make your own "Family Rules" or at least have fun with your family :)
Have a Blessed Day!