It was so perfect! And Sweet! And .... I was just so proud!! How Great our God was through the voices of those sweet angels!! Praise God Jesus IS Alive!
The Saturday before Easter we went to the Easter Egg Hunt at FHCC. It's always so much fun! Lilly had been playing dress up that morning and insisted on keeping her princess skirt dress on so we just found a matching shirt and pants and we were on our way! She ended up looking so precious and very "Lilly" that day! As we arrived the Easter Bunny was waiting to greet us at the door. Lilly was sooooo excited she would not leave that poor bunny alone! She literally had to be moved away from the bunny so other children could get a picture with him. She loved him soooo much!
Easter Sunday we went to FHCC for a sweet service and then to Granny and Papa Jack's and then to Brian and Tina's for dinner. Dad and Susan wanted to have an egg hunt for the kids at Granny's but it rained all day!! Just before the rain Granny had pictures in her front yard.... the kids all looked so sweet!! I'm not real sure what in the world Lilly Ann is looking at but this still is one of my favs!! It just makes me laugh!! I always say she's such a boy with a bow and this is such a perfect example.... one of her new things to say is... "EWWW" it looks like she may be saying that right here! Lunch was fabulous and it's always so nice to see everyone!! And dinner at Brian and Tina's was yummy too!! The kids had fun playing together and everybody looked soooo nice!

I almost forgot to put the Boston pics. All the adults went to Boston for Nan's goodbye - and Kait was old enough to go to. It was such a bittersweet time. We all got to be together and love on each other and the immediate family was even there for Nan's last moments of life here. They loved on her all the way until the very end. We had such a sweet time looking at old pictures and reminiscing about how much we all love her so dearly and how much we will miss her!! What a precious person she was in the lives of EVERYONE that was blessed enough to know her!!
About two or three days into our trip we decided to go shop and enjoy sometime together and Kaitlyn decided she would (last minute) get her ears pierced! We had such a great time laughing and being silly and I think it went over without a hitch! Jason and Brian even got themselves a pair of earrings too!! Or they at least pretended to get their ears pierced! Papa was SHOCKED! They got these magnetic HUGE diamonds and walked out with Kait to the van that Papa was driving... He laughed and thought it was a joke but the boys kept on and on about support for Kaitlyn and how they had to do it so she would and bla bla bla Papa began to believe it! Tina, Kait and I were totally dying in the back seat laughing to ourselves about the whole thing! Finally Papa said, at least you could've gotten something smaller! LOL! It went on for hours until finally Kelly pulled Brian's off at dinner and said, "it's magnetic!" I think it's one (of the 3) earpiercing Kait will never forget! :) Thank you, GP for making it possible for us to go for a week and say goodbye!! Lilly Ann and Harrison were well taken care of!
As the weather gets warmer and warmer the Shaw kids are wanting to spend more and more time outside. We decided to get a water table and give the kids a few more fun things to enjoy.... Lilly Ann and Harrison found some old boots that were Kait and Ashleighs and they had such a fun time in them that they wore them all afternoon!! You gotta love a girl that looks good in her boots and a boy that is just plain cute period!!
Harrison also STILL has his cast on -it's camo now- for 3 more weeks because they found a fracture that is trying to callus and it just needs a bit more time. He is such a trooper! I am so proud of him for sticking it out with barely any complaints at all!! I'm sure this is just one of many breaks in his active life!! Thank goodness he'll be through this by summer!!
Christi - I'm so glad I have your blog address! I so miss talking to you! I CANNOT believe how big all the kids are. Kaitlyn is so grown up, can I still call her a kid???
I'm so glad to hear thing are going well. We have to connect soon.
Allyson Stephens
P.S. I have a really hard time updating too, so don't feel bad! I don't know how people do it daily! Not my thing!
Hey Christi-thanks for sharing your blog with us! I love it! I see my sweet kiddos in these pictures with Harrison!
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