A New Beginning..... AGAIN!
I don't know why I am so anxious as I sit writing but something about getting back into this BLOG is a little overwelming to me....but much needed! Even as I sit writing tears well up in my eyes and drop down my face. I'm just in such a new place these days and I do so want to share my heart (my family) with you again and I so want these memories so I'm pushing through this wall! New beginnings seems to be the theme of my life this year! I know the bible tells us
"All things are made beautiful in time" So I have faith this fresh start will be a precious beautiful thing!
I really have so many wonderful moments that I feel like my old self laughing and being silly and loving in the moment but the second I begin to talk about anything of importance when it comes to my family I fall apart again - so please
Okay.....We've decided I will be homeschooling Harrison. I don't know how long but I know it's God's will for us and after MUCH prayer God has made it so clear to me - He's so faithful to always answer my prayers - not always what I had in mind but
HIS WILL will be done.
I AM THRILLED! I was overwelmed by the idea and terrified that I would make the wrong decision but God is good and this is going to be such a fun experience for us! Pray for Harrison - he has no idea and I really pray he'll be excited too :)
We'll begin in January but I am busy busy gathering curriculum and setting up my "class room" and I even went to a support group this week and got to go to a workshop that was absolutely AMAZING and FUN!!
More about all of this later - just be praying for us...
I love you all and know "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"
So, lets see if I can get some sweet pictures on this site - we have had some precious moments I want to share I know you'll LOVE them!!
We did go to the beach and we've celebrated a 3rd birthday for Lilly Ann and we just had some really special visitors.....
Lets start with THE BEACH :)

Okay, check out these WAVES!! A storm was BREWING!! Wow!
This was both very scary AND amazingly BEAUTIFUL!!
Have a Blessed Day!