Have I told you lately how amazing Kaitlyn is???? WELL..... she NEVER ceases to amaze us! I can only tell you she is just such a fabulous gift from God! She is such a sweet example for the younger children in her life and I feel so incredibly blessed that I get to be her step-mom!! Let me just tell you - She is so very thoughtful, loving, adorable, giving,kind, creative as can be, very very very resilient, God fearing and INCREDIBLY SMART!! OH MY STARS!!!
SO, I say all of that to say SHE GOT AN 1800 ON HER S A T S!! Kaitlyn has been such a hard worker and great student since day one! She always puts her studies first and then she plays and she takes such pride in her hard work! She's an amazing leader in her school too! At Lausanne she was class president of her class and then at the end of July she moved to a new school in Monroe, North Carolina and was voted Vice President within the first few months of her new school! Everyone is drawn to her and know she has such dependable leadership skills! We are so incredibly proud of her and wish so much we could hug her neck and throw confetti in the sky and jump up and down with her so I am hoping you can hear in my words we are sooooooo proud and celebrating Kaitlyn today!! And the even sweeter thing is....
SHE IS SO PROUD TOO!! Yea Kait!! We love you sooooooo much!! We are not at all surprised by this but just want to hhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuugggggggggg your neck and high five you and cry happy tears with you..... YOU ROCK!! We love you sooo much!

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