My sweet little boy is getting so stinkin big!! I can't believe he's 7 now!!
This was a "big" year for him and it's just sort of bitter sweet!! I don't remember a year he grew so much at one time! Physically or emotionally!
He's very particular about his hair - not interested in anyone cutting it off :) and he just goes outside to play at his own will - he's always been more monitored but lately we've been letting him run over to get Griffin on his own and it all just feels sooooooo BIG! He loves to make his own microwave meals - whatever that may be, and he will just go and play in his room for what seems like forever - and when I give him kisses - like lots and lots and lots of kisses - he'll say, "MOOOOMMMM!"
I so miss my snuggly boy - although he'll still snuggle with me if I let him lay in my bed to watch tv at night - as long as I don't block the tv!! He used to think I was a lot more wonderful - my all time favorite HD quote is....
"Mommy I think your a princess no matter what your jammies look like!"
Don't get me wrong I love a happy big boy - he's confident and content to be Harrison and that is so sweet I just can't get my little tiny boy with great big blue eyes and curls out of my head - my third appendage! The one everyone always said was "my buddy" always with me and always wanted to be with me :)
At his party this year he and his friends swam and played and had such a great time! At the end, we all came into a room and had cupcakes and ice cream.... I was just standing there watching him laugh and be silly with all his best buddies around him - 20 to be exact.... and I just said out loud, "What a sweet day this was for Harrison to get to be with all of his best friends on his actual birthday!! Thank you for coming and making this such a sweet day for him!" To which Harrison replied.... "MOM!" That was my cue to HUSH and let him be cool a little longer!!
I love you so much, Brother!! Happy 7th Birthday!! You are such a sweet sweet boy! My only son! This Christmas time reminds me that you are so much like the only son - Jesus! You were made so perfectly in His Image and while we celebrate the birthday of our Savior we also get to celebrate YOU, Peanut! The first little tiny baby I got to carry in my belly while you grew and grew (and GREW!) I will never forget the first night in the hospital! EVERYONE came to see you and meet you! Even the nurses because you were the biggest baby of the month!! At 10.2 ounces and 22 and 1/2 inches long!! OH MY STARS!! I woke up at like 3 o'clock in the morning because you were so quiet and it was my first night with you! I looked over to a glass bed sitting next to me and the most beautiful blue eyes.... starring back at me! I just cried the happiest tears - it was quiet - you were happy too - not crying just watching me :) That was the moment I fell in love with you and I will be for the rest of my life!! And I can not even imagine but the bible tells us that God loves you even more than I do!!
"Before the throne of God above, I have a strong and perfect plea, a great high priest whose name is Love, who ever lives and pleads for me. My name is graven on His hands. My name is written on His heart."

1 comment:
Hey Christi - Thanks for the sweet message! I hope this Christmas was extra special for you guys! I sure do miss seeing you! Maybe if I can get motivated, I'll see you up at the gym soon! I have such good intentions when I'm in bed at night. They just never make it to the reality phase! Sadly it's a 24 hour gym too!!!
Wishing you all the best in 2010!
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