ANYHOW!! This week he went to his new class with his new friends and he was little nervous.... he said he "wasn't prepared" :) I assured him he was and he'd be great! After day one I picked him up and he got in the car saying "MOM, first grade isn't bad at all!" As soon as we got home Jason said, "hey, buddy! how was first grade?? Harrison said, "good!" "So what was your favorite part?" Harrison goes, "leaving!" LOL!! He is so funny! We wiped out!
He really does have a sweet teacher and I know God chose her especially for Harrison - there are many things about her that "make since" in Harrison's life and I know we're going to have another sweet year at Crosswind!!
I do have a picture of He and Mrs. Shelton I'm going to try to download it.... we shall see??!!
Have a Blessed Day!
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