Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry! Merry! Merry!!

Christmas is absolutely my most favorite holiday of the year!! I LOVE that we are intentionally celebrating Jesus's birthday, that the children get to hear His Holy name over and over and over again and I pray that "The Reason" for this season is beginning to sink in a little.... the sweet nativities all around and family together A LOT! I love that Kaitlyn is here for 2 weeks!! I love family time together especially when all my kids are here!! I love watching children play together and love on each other and I love buying or creating or thinking of fun gifts to give.... and I love watching the excitement of opening presents from Santa and I love not having to wake up early to go anywhere for a whole week after - especially for the big kids - just rest and fun!! LOVE IT!! It stinks this year that Mimi and GP haven't been able to come -which means we also haven't gotten to see Ashleigh yet but we're praying for a quick recovery so they can still hopefully come...... we have really missed getting to see them this year - but Swine Flu is not welcome here.... UGH!!
Hope you had a very Merry Merry Christmas too!!
This was the first year Aunt Sheri was here to start off the holiday season....
The kids loved making a Gingerbread House :)

We had Christmas at Granny's and Aunt Paula read the Christmas Story from Luke... This is one of my favorite traditions...
The children all sat quietly and listened :)

And Lilly Ann had a Christmas program at Forest Hill Kids Day Out!

Happy Birthday, Dear Jesus!

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