Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Cold Rainy, Happy Anniversary!

As a family we all LOVE THE LAKE! We love to JUST GO!! We're always looking for the perfect opportunity to head out and enjoy boating if only for a day! So...Jason and I had an Anniversary this weekend - 8 years - perfect reason! It was definitely debatable weather but we had to just go and check out the weather in Pickwick! We only have one more weekend before we leave for the beach and then I'm off to surgery sooooo we just couldn't resist..... a family trip - JUST US to the Lake!
SO.... IT RAINED nearly ALL of Saturday and then Sunday, no rain but it was a high of 70 degrees - ON THE WATER! ON THE BOAT! AND..... IT WAS JUST RIGHT!
We were all together, laughing, snuggling under towels and running from rain! I love when we have days like that.... you know when it's just the 5 of us and we're in it together and it doesn't matter what the weather is (Kait even knee boarded in the rain) we're together and that's what it's really all about anyway!

AND! Harrison drove nearly ALL DAY Sunday and He was so incredibly proud - and it was a total bonding moment for He and Jason! Kait was content to just hang out and relax - she'll be studying all week for exams so it was nice for her to just relax! Lilly Ann and I were total snuggle bugs - she slept in my arms several times - LOVE THAT!! (this is the life!!) I have to admit I would've loved 80 degree weather much better but there's always next weekend :)
by the way.... my blog is totally acting up and I can not move my pics where I want them or write little notes with the pics anymore.... so you'll have bare with me as I just have to down load them and hope they all make since?! LOVE TECHNOLOGY!AHHGGG!

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