Next..... KAITLYN'S GOING AWAY PARTY! We had a going away party for Kaitlyn - or rather for her friends to say goodbye to Kaitlyn. It was a BIG HIT! Kait and Best Friend, Hope, Hope's sister Rachel and another friend Natalie helped to decorate the Hawaiian Luau themed gym at Forest Hill Community Church. It was so cute!! The original idea was that we would have the party at our house but with the weather being so questionable we worried the back yard would be a swamp so we opted for the church and it was the perfect place! The "big kids" had a basketball hoop and karaoke and indoor seating as well as outdoor tables and chairs. The little kids had a gym to ride their big wheels in and lots of room to run and play! It was perfect for everyone and it was DRY! Kait and all her friends just meangled around and ate and sang Karaoke and had hula hoop contests and..... everyone got Henna Tattoos! As you walked in the front door Kait's friend Natalie had a table set up with a slide show on her computer of Kaitlyn with her friends as well as all these cute pics of Kaitlyn with her family AND a large frame where everyone signed a sweet goodbye note to Kaitlyn! It was such a sweet night for her! She is soooooooo loved and will be missed so much by all her friends AND FAMILY!!! WE LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH, KIKI!!
and... Memorial Day Weekend...on the boat - the last time....(sighhhh) for now!
We hope to have another boat later but with the surgery expenses it was a really smart thing for us to do to help with bills (who knows how expensive open heart surgery will really be??!! UGHH!) SO... it totally stinks but we all love the boating so much I know one day we will be blessed again with more Lake fun!
Jason and the kids and I obviously were all there, Brian and Tina, Jack and Lauren and Nana (Papa was recooperating from nemonia) and my dad, Grandaddy (Susu was out of town at her daddy's house in Byrdstown, TN - visiting family) each came at one time or another.... as well as the RAIN!! Again! We pumped right through it pulling over here and there and running from and in storms to get dry.... the kids had a ball, the grown ups did too and it was a sweet weekend together!
Even Lilly Ann decided to tube this time - lucky for her she has such a sweet big sister to go along and hold her tight - she braved the lake with Lauren and Kait and then the tube.... my little fearless girl (our boy with a bow - we call her) I think we will probably spend the rest of our lives holding our breath and letting her go.... she is so sure she's 6 already and to hear her talk I wonder sometimes too!
Kaitlyn was a really important person for this trip too b/c we knew she'd be moving soon after and at the time we didn't know we'd sell the boat so thank goodness she was there - and she ROCKED the new knee board! We are always amazed watching her... she's so incredibly determined!!! No matter what it is she sets her mind too... she won't stop until she's accomplished it! She'll probably run some company somewhere (or the country)one day!
And my sweet Harrison - I don't know who will miss the boat the most but he and Kait are definately top two or three! He's totaly in his element (reminds me of his daddy) when he's on that boat! He loves to go fast and he loves to fish and I swear he'll live on a Lake someday - it's him! Completely! And as long as Jack is there - life is totally good! I love that they are 3 months apart - they act like brothers and love so sweetly! Between the two our entertainment is complete - they are a hoot together!! Jack will absolutely be entertaining somewhere somehow forever! and Harrison he'll probably be wherever his family is... I imagine he and Jack won't be far from one another!
God is so good and our family is just so wonderful! Well, since I'm talking about all the kids I have to of course mention my sweet Lauren.... my American Girl Doll! Her sweet freckles and always painted fingers and perfectly matching outfits and sweet sweet heart, and beautiful face and disposition and just EVERYTHING! She is so wonderful! She takes such good care of my Lilly and really everyone! She will be an amazing mommy one day! I love watching her and listening to her sweet giggle.... she and Lilly Ann are about the same age difference as she and Kaitlyn and it's really neat how God worked it all out that way - Lilly thinks she totally hung the moon and to have both she and Kaitlyn.... Lil's was in heaven! And they never left her out!!
1 comment:
Hey Sweet Friend - I ran into Betsy H. this weekend she filled me in on everything regarding your surgery. I just wanted you to know that you are on my prayer list! I'm praying that God will bring you to mind often in these next months so that I will be able to whisper scriptures of prayer over you and your family in those moments.
This is the first that comes to mind! Psalm 138:8 - "The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
your love, O LORD, endures forever—
do not abandon the works of your hands."
He has so much in store for you! I'm boldly praying for a your doctors, that you immediately feel restoration after the surgery and that you have a very quick recover! -- Jer. 30:17 "I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds."
I'm also lifting up your sweet family during this time. That they will be strong, have an overwhelming and indescribable since of peace and that God will protect them from the taunts of the enemy -- "Be his rock, salvation and defense, so that he will not be moved of shaken." Psalm 62:6 -- "Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." Psalm 55:22
Have a great time this weekend at the beach and know that you have many people carrying your burden, so please don't worry - have fun and enjoy!
Love, Allyson
"There is HOPE in your future." Jer. 31:17
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