To start our weekend, (well actually during the week), Lilly Ann had a play date with her very sweet "big gurl" friend, Sophie Lee! I just really couldn't resist posting this one.... they were playing so sweet together and we gave them snacks and lunch and they decided to eat up in the "clubhouse"! I LOVED IT! They were previously playing with the water table and Lil's got Sophie's dress wet so she decided to take it off! You have to admit it's really sweet when they're little and just don't care if they have a shirt or not.... this pic prompted me to look back at a sweet baby girl last summer with the same shirtless idea!
We also had a very special Art Exhibit to go to! Forgive me! My camera was left at a birthday party and I had just gotten it back so it was dead moments before we walked out the door... I seriously charged it for like 5 minutes just to try to get any pictures at all! So I started with the recognition of Kaitlyn by the Lausanne Art Department and unfortunately it died just after that! So there is no art pictures - but when she brings them home I'll post pics and you will see SHE ROCKS!! She had two pieces in the exhibit. One was a drawing of an actual person that came and modeled for the class and the second was her first oil painting! It's so amazing!!!!! It gave me chills of proudness....(i'm sure thats not a word but you get the idea) it's totally something you would buy at an exhibit and hang in your home!! Beautiful!! It never ceases to amaze me all the different ways she is so incredibly talented!! Did I mention she's in the National Art Association?? She is!! One day we'll all be saying "remember me!!" and in her very "Kaitlyn" way she absolutely will remember us all! She's so thoughtful that way!! WAY TO GO KAIT!! WE ARE SOOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU!
And last but not least..... after a long weekend of many fun things we still had dinner to go to with Nana and Papa and Uncle Brian and Jack and Lauren (Aunt Tina had to work some) so we came home from Kait's event and everyone wanted to rest! I put Lilly Ann to bed and in her very Lilly way she of course rebelled! I have been just leaving her in the room weather she takes a nap or not - she starts of in her bed with "two books" and milk and poppers... all tucked in and I read her books, give her kisses and "big hugs" and she's off! I feel like it's a big joke but ever since we moved to the big girl bed nap time is a party! Most the time I come back to get her after about 2 hours and her room is trashed and eventually she gives in and does get in her bed and sleep. Well, Sunday it was no different! Same routine and downstairs I go, turn on the monitor and listen for her. I have been telling her "I'm getting my sad spoon and if you get up Mommies coming up stairs and giving you a spanking and you still have to take a nap!" It worked ONE DAY! So, it's time for us to go to dinner, she's been quiet for a while and Jason goes up to get her. He comes back down and says, "you have gotta see this!" We all go upstairs and this is what we saw.... the sweetest little princess ever!! NOT IN HER BED of course but on her sweet little chair sitting in the corner.... asleep.... and I mean we all kissed her several times to no avail and I even kissed her, rubbed her back loved on her lots and lots and NOTHING!! I finally had to just pick her up and lay her on the changing table to get her to wake up! And as always she woke up with a sweet smile!! These are the moments I want to keep in the back of my mind to recall when she's not so little anymore!! I hope I never forget this!
Hope you had as sweet a weekend as we did!
We love you all!!
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