Today, like most of the days these past two weeks I have had an overwelming reminder of my surgery and Kait moving and now my sweet neighbors and friends are moving and ..... EVERYTHING in the world that STINKS! I am aware of all the yuck I have going on in my life and for whatever reason I feel like I have to continue to remind myself of it all! It takes away happy and replaces it with just plain over-stinkin welmed! I was reading a sweet friends blog and searching for a happy place and I read this.... (the perfect reminder from my sweet friend and she doesn't even know and now I've copied it and posted it here - for me.... she is such a good friend she'll love that it was my "happy" if even for just a minute and she hopefully won't mind my stealing it from her :)
I Praise The Lord that He is in control!
I praise the Lord that He can watch over my children when I can't.
I praise the Lord that in my weakness He is strong.
I praise the Lord that He has ordained the steps of my children (and me).
I praise the Lord that it is His will that none should perish.
I praise the Lord that He made me a mommy to the 3 most amazing children this world has ever seen!
I Praise the Lord for you, Sarah and thank you for your insight.... God is so good and He knew I'd need that today! Thanks for sharing!

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