So..... that said, DJ, Jason's cousin, came to visit and he brought with him his sweet girlfriend, Katie! We LOVE HER! (oh and of course we love him too! :)So, of course we all dropped EVERYTHING to be with family! Especially out of town family!!
We have had such a sweet visit with them and we're sad for them to go! They are world traveling!! I mean drove from San Diego and have had several stops and several more before they will be arriving in Massachusetts! DJ is going back to Martha's Vineyard to return to his Police Man job and Katie is going to wait tables until she finds her nitch! SO ROMANTIC! Love it! Jason says we'll do that too....(world traveling that is) just after kids are gone - the reverse of them..... We shall see :) I look forward to it!
So, Monday night we took DJ and Katie to Beale Street - pics coming later she will email them to me
Tuesday night we went to a nice dinner at Jim's Grill (we try to make it really nice when people come to visit so they'll STAY!!)
and Wednesday night we all went to an Italian Restraunt in Collierville Square and celebrated "The Graduates!" (Kindergarten Graduates) Harrison and Jack!! (and we celebrated Lauren too b/c she had such a great 3rd grade year! :)
Here are some pics from Wednesday night's Celebration! We wound up with our own room - really good thing, so the kids literally danced around and had a fun time!!
We did miss our Kait though - she had a prior engagment.
AGAIN! Bare with me the pictures are in no order for some reason my blog won't allow me to pic and chose and write with each picture anymore....STILL!
1 comment:
Christi, We Love it! great blog! "im just sayin!" We are currently driving up through kentucky towards OH, we stopped in Nashville and had a wonderful southern meal thanks to Jason's recomendation. But not nearly as good as our meals in Memphis! Katie will send those pics to you asap! We had so much fun and thank you so much for being great hosts! Tell the kids we say hi! and Congrats! Talk to you soon..."Memphis is kind of a goat town" - Tina....God Bless!
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